Congratulations to Phil Hart: Astrophotographer of the Year!

Astrophotography Prize

Enter 5 August - 2 September   |   Judging 13 - 14 September 2024


How to Enter


Entries Open: 9am 5 August 2024 (AEST)

Entries are now Closed: 5pm 2 September 2024 (AEST)



Please note: If you have entered in the past, your log in will not work with our new system. You will need to register for a new account. This will happen at the 'Checkout' stage.

Step by step instructions will be published shortly.

STEP 1: Read the Rules

Before entering the 2024 Astrophotography Prize, entrants MUST ensure they have downloaded the latest Rules and have fully read and understood the requirements of the Categories they’re entering.

2024 Rules

Who Can Enter

The Astrophotography Prize is open to all astrophotographers.

Entrants may win category titles and trophies.

What Can Be Entered

Images submitted must be from original photographs captured by the entrant that have not been entered into previous Australian Photographic Prize competitions.

All data that makes up an entry must have been captured on or after 5th August 2019. Images captured prior to 5th August 2019 are ineligible for entry.

Participants may enter an unlimited number of digital images into any category. However, you cannot enter the same image into multiple categories.


STEP 2: Purchasing Entries in the Shop

Once you have downloaded, read, and fully understood the rules, submit your entries

Go to “Shop” and purchase your digital entries

In the shop you will have the option to purchase written feedback on your entries.

Entries into the Astrophotography Prize categories are submitted as digital entries only.


Competition Entry fees

$ 30 AUD - Single Entry

$ 40 AUD - Single Entry with Written Feedback

$ 120 AUD - Discounted Entry Bundle - five entries for the price of four

$ 160 AUD - Discounted Entry Bundle with Written Feedback


STEP 3: Prepare Your Files for upload

Naming Format: category_ firstname_lastname_Image#.jpeg

Example File Name: Deep_Space_Andy_Campbell_Image8.jpeg

Image# relates to the number of the entrant’s entry, with the first entry uploaded titled Image1, the second entry uploaded Image2, etc.

JPEGs only are accepted. If requested, raw files or videos must be provided by the entrant; see full Rules for complete details.

File Specifications

  • 3840px on the longest side
  • Convert to sRGB Profile
  • Save as maximum quality JPEG

If you do not have access to Photoshop or Lightroom, Adobe has a resizing tool here:

Upload your image, select Custom Resize and change the longest side to 3840px. The shortest side can be any length less than (or equal to) the longest side. Download the image as a jpeg.

Entry Instructions Resize Image

image format

STEP 4: Uploading Your Images

Go to your "Account" (little blue person icon)

Scroll Down to "My Entries"

You will see your purchased entries, select “View” and enter the information requested and upload your entries. You will be able to select your category and add a description. When uploading your entry you will be asked to submit the following information:

  • Location image was taken
  • Camera, telescope or camera lens and filters used (including Barlow and ADC if appropriate)
  • Quantity and duration of exposures
  • Total integration time.
  • In addition to this, entrant may submit a 25-word statement of image purpose or creative intent.

Upload your image and then hit Save. You can now go back to my activities and upload your next image.

If you need to change your image, go back and select the delete button. This option is only available only until the close of competition on Sunday 1st September at 5pm, at which time all entries will be locked off and unable to be changed.



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